Still can't break away from home. Typing with Cam in my hands! Don's taking pics of the process for me, so I will post up some guitar pics when I get 'em. Meanwhile, thanks to Scott at B&S signs for the graphic help on the amp.
Sounds pretty good so far, but I've still go to put the back on it. Head cover, too.
OK, so it's not a front page full feature spread with interview, but there is a photograph! Here's the link:
A little over half-way down the page. Travis Hensley is the kiddo rocking the V.
Photo is on this page:
and doing fine. So far he prefers sound of the bass to the guitar.
He's keeping me quite busy, so I haven't been able to work at the shop at all.
Don's been doing lots of repairs and marketing for BCG. The JazzBlaster made it's first live appearance at the Green River Ordinance show at the Dallas HOB this month...
I've been working on an amp project to keep my production skills sharp. It's a 1 12" combo using a custom cab, a Sovtek tube midget 50w head and a 60 watt Hellatone Celestian. I have no idea what I'm doing, so it should sound interesting. Many thanks to my dad and his tools & skills with lumber manipulation.
I hope to get out to the shop soon and get back into some sort of groove. We'll see...